
Satya Kumar @Shri Shakti Alternative Energy Ltd

Blogs with thought leadership, analysis of policy and regulations, business opportunities. Leading innovation in solar and clean energy.

575GW Solar PV by 2050 in India is possible as per IEA Solar Roadmap 2014

​Indian Government has a target of 100GW by 2022 though the total installed capacity by 2014 was only 3GW. Most people are either skeptical or feel overwhelmed by this target. I feel 100GW is very well possible especially because of the figures worked out by IEA in their Solar PV Roadmap 2014. As per IEA's roadmap, India is likely to install 142GW by 2030 and 575GW by 2050! solar PV could constitute 22% of India's energy mix by 2050 in a high renewables development scenario.

IEA's analysis is based on a bottom-up TIMES* model that uses cost optimisation to identify least-cost mixes of energy technologies and fuels to meet energy demand, given availability constraints of natural resources.
* The Integrated MARKAL (Market Allocation)- EFOM (energy flow optimisation model) System.

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Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Shri Shakti Alternative Energy Ltd (SSAEL), is a part of the Shri Shakti Group, Hyderabad, with over a decade of experience in the field of Clean energy, Consulting and Solar Project Development.

SSAEL has executed projects for World Bank, UNIDO, GVEP, kfW, IREDA and were Consultants to RERC.

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