
Satya Kumar @Shri Shakti Alternative Energy Ltd

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India Utility Solar Pipeline 2015 on a Collaborative Spreadsheet

In 2014, India has set a target of 100GW of utility solar by 2022, a five fold increase in the earlier target of 20GW when JNNSM was launched in 2010. It is no doubt an audacious target considering that India has commissioned only 3GW of utility solar project by 2014. But, considering that China is adding over 15GW per year and Japan is doing over 10GW per year, there is no reason why India cannot do 12GW to 15GW per year and achieve 100GW by 2022. In 2015, for the first time, India is projected as the 5th largest solar market worldwide. The tariff based bidding policy / reverse bidding has resulted in rapid decline of the tariff from Rs 17.91 per unit in 2010 to as low as Rs 6.12 per unit in 2015 (in Andhra Pradesh by First Solar) and it is expected to go below Rs 5.50 per unit when the bidding opens for 500MW in Rajasthan by NTPC wherein acceleration depreciation benefit may come into play along with higher generation in Rajasthan.

We have compiled the India Utility Solar Pipeline 2015 on a Collaborative Spreadsheet and shared the same in Google Docs. We would welcome this pipeline of projects to be updated through a collaborative effort of the stakeholders like project developers, EPC contractors, consultants, nodal agencies etc. As of 5th June 2015, which is the World Environment Day, the current pipeline of utility solar projects in India has crossed 10,000MW. This should bring great cheer to the policy makers, developers and entire solar fraternity. As of now, procurement under State schemes / policies is around 60% and balance 40% through SECI / NTPC at the National level.

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Monday, 10 March 2025

Shri Shakti Alternative Energy Ltd (SSAEL), is a part of the Shri Shakti Group, Hyderabad, with over a decade of experience in the field of Clean energy, Consulting and Solar Project Development.

SSAEL has executed projects for World Bank, UNIDO, GVEP, kfW, IREDA and were Consultants to RERC.

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