
Shri Shakti Alternative Energy Limited Blog

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Indian Power Stations O&M conference and Techno-Galaxy Exhibition

Indian Power Stations O&M conference and Techno-Galaxy Exhibition

Organized by NTPC on 13th, 14th & 15th February – 2016

NTPC organizes an International O&M Conference each year with a special theme related to Indian Power Sector. The Conference aims at bringing together Power sector professionals, policy makers, designers and Manufacturers on common platform to discuss various issues and share strategies taken by different players. This is a wonderful opportunity to discuss and showcase solutions & products. Take away of the conference also includes experiences on best O&M practices as a prerequisite to R&M, strategies for enhancing efficiency & reliability, environment management, renewable generation and other recent technological developments. The Forum Provides a Platform for Sharing of Best Practices for Operation and Maintenance of Power Plants, Which over the Years Has Helped Various Utilities across the Country for Operating in a Reliable and Efficient Manner.

The conference was joined by 500+ senior executives from all over the Nation and worldwide. The paper "Continuous improvement of Solar PV Power Plants with innovative and new approaches" was presented by Mr. D V Satya Kumar, MD, Shri Shakti Alternative Energy Ltd which had overwhelming response in the audiences. There were about 60 delegates as audience on most of them Technical heads & GMs of NTPC.

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Sunday, 09 March 2025

Shri Shakti Alternative Energy Ltd (SSAEL), is a part of the Shri Shakti Group, Hyderabad, with over a decade of experience in the field of Clean energy, Consulting and Solar Project Development.

SSAEL has executed projects for World Bank, UNIDO, GVEP, kfW, IREDA and were Consultants to RERC.

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