
Satya Kumar @Shri Shakti Alternative Energy Ltd

Blogs with thought leadership, analysis of policy and regulations, business opportunities. Leading innovation in solar and clean energy.

Mr Piyush Goyal says “I want to Kill 10 Birds with One Stone.” Can he do it?

SolarPlaza organized a Webinar Financing India's Solar Revolution: Opportunities and Challenges where I was one of the Speakers. You can watch my presentation at the webinar recording here or you can download the slides of my presentation . My presentation covered two big questions : 1) Can India develop 100GW Solar by 2022? and 2. Can Mr Piyush Goyal kill 10 birds with one Stone?; the one stone being the target of 100GW by 2022. 

Can Mr Piyush Goyal kill 10 birds with one Stone?; the one stone being the target of 100GW by 2022.

The opinion poll, post my presentation, showed that majority of the webinar attendees thought that Piyush Goyal may be able to do that !

Convinced? Not Convinced? Watch the Webinar Recording.

Financing India’s Solar Revolution: Opportunities ...
Swaminomics is completely wrong on 100,000MW Solar


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Monday, 10 March 2025

Shri Shakti Alternative Energy Ltd (SSAEL), is a part of the Shri Shakti Group, Hyderabad, with over a decade of experience in the field of Clean energy, Consulting and Solar Project Development.

SSAEL has executed projects for World Bank, UNIDO, GVEP, kfW, IREDA and were Consultants to RERC.

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